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Iris42 Editing Services is owned and operated

by Dr Liz Charpleix, a graduate of

the University of Tasmania,

Macquarie University

and the University of New England.



Why Iris42?

Iris was a traveller and messenger in Greek mythology.

As goddess of the rainbow, she was revered by farmers for her role in what later became known as the hydrologic cycle. Water accounting was the subject of my PhD, and travelling, writing and talking are three of my inescapable habits.


42 is the answer to the ultimate question, though no-one knows yet what the ultimate question is (according to Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy).


Iris42 Editing Services operates from regional Tasmania, taking advantage of modern technology to work in a peaceful bush setting while maintaining the highest standards of professional service.


My office is off the electricity grid, operating mainly by solar power, with a petrol generator for back-up during the darkest few weeks of winter. In practical terms, this has no effect on the standard of service provided to my clients; it is one part of my strategic plan to minimise my impact on the environment.


I invite queries by phone or email for preference.

Contact me on social media using the buttons below.


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All work and no play makes an editor a boring person; going dog-sledding in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada got my blood rushing nicely.

© 2025 All photos and text, unless otherwise noted,

copyright Dr Liz Charpleix, Iris42 Editing Services.


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MOBILE:   0412 665 796



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